Enumeration: ClientCallType
Client Call Type for client to make call w.r.t. audio, video and direction
Enumeration Members
• Audio = 6
Join as an audio-only participant, i.e. the user will send and receive audio but will not send or receive video.
• AudioRecvOnly = 4
Join as an receiving-audio-only participant, not sending any audio, also will not send or receive video.
• AudioRecvVideoRecvOnly = 20
Join as an receiving-audio-video-only participant, i.e. the user will only receive audio and video but will not send audio or video.
• AudioSendOnly = 2
Join as an sending-audio-only participant, not receiving any audio, also will not send or receive video.
• AudioSendVideoSendOnly = 10
Join as an sending-audio-video-only participant, i.e. the user will only send audio and video but will not receive audio or video.
• AudioVideo = 30
Join as a full (send and receive) audio and video participant
• None = 0
Client to join as a presentation and control-only participant, i.e. the user will not send or receive any audio or video. They can still access the conference controls and send and receive presentations.
• Video = 24
Join as an video-only participant, i.e. the user will send and receive video but will not send or receive audio.
• VideoRecvOnly = 16
Join as an receiving-video-only participant, not sending any video, also will not send or receive audio.
• VideoSendOnly = 8
Join as an sending-video-only participant, not receiving any video, also will not send or receive audio.